I'm so excited to share with you a collaboration with local business, By Liv.
We have joined forces to create a collection of limited edition art series earrings, brooches and pendants. The extremely talented Liv has curated a beautiful collection of jewellery for you to enjoy and wear, adorned with a selection of my artworks.
Launching Tuesday 21st March 2023 @ 8pm on the By Liv website: www.bylivonline.com
About By Liv:

Liv is an Aussie Mum of 3 (Stella, Kaiden & By Liv!). Everything is created by Liv & her husband (Jase). Liv's mission is to help you see them as more than just earrings...
Before she became a Mum, she was a Midwife... what an amazing job that was, but her priorities changed once she took on the role of Mum, and Liv wanted to stay at home with her babies... and so By Liv was born.
Liv has a strong passion to serve and support women, and help them be their best - as she had done previously as a Midwife during the pregnancy and birth phase of life. Liv strives to help women appreciate THEMSELVES without adding anything else to their ever growing to-do list. Insert - beautiful earrings!
Liv says "I want them to be a pat on the back and big warm hug from me to you for all of the amazing work that you are doing for everyone around you!".
Liv creates pieces that are unique, and beautiful - just like YOU! To encourage you to make moments of self care and appreciation every time you choose earrings - for yourself OR when appreciating someone else when buying a gift - and then again when your order arrives, and then every single time you wear her earrings!
Launching Tuesday 21st March 2023 @ 8pm on the By Liv website: www.bylivonline.com
Check out some of the creations below!
Painting: Stay Grounded by Fern Siebler
Painting: Cloud Nine Noir by Fern Siebler
Painting: Allure series by Fern Siebler
Launching Tuesday 21st March 2023 @ 8pm on the By Liv website: www.bylivonline.com
(PSA! If you're eyeing something off I'd highly recommend jumping on her email list on her website here as they will be first in line! 😉)